Concept: An annual animation film festival that happens in Cairo, and brings all the animation industry in Egypt together, to share knowledge, network, collaborate and showcase their art. Our mission is to have a strong animation industry in Egypt by focusing on many dimensions such as: awarding the best Egyptian animation each year, conducting workshops for professionals, holding talks and panel discussions with local and international speakers on important topics for the industry, facilitating the marketing, networking and showcasing of Egyptian animation in major international animation festivals, driving production of short and feature animated films, and finally being a representative for a unified Egyptian animation industry both locally and internationally. We believe that animation is a very strong medium and it can alter, affect and change the people's perception of the world around them in a positive and very artistic way, while also providing many opportunities for Egyptian artists.
Estimated budget: 500,000 EGP per year
Team: Youhana Nassif (Director), Samaka Studio (Co-founders)
Progress so far: 3 Editions

Concept: Making art available in many different forms for the ethnic minorities and local peoples of Egypt, and producing and making art that represents these local ethnic minorities available for the audience. A team of artists from different practices will tour a number of villages and communities of ethnic minorities and native peoples as a caravan would, spending around a month in each, where there can be an opportunity for the community to try and experience these art forms and learn them, so that they can produce their own artworks in these forms. The team of artists on the other hand, would be inspired by spending long durations with these communities living their basic and traditional lives and being affected by their landscapes and ways of life, so that they can -each in their specialization- produce artworks that represent and showcase these communities that can be exhibited to the larger Egyptian and international audience.
Estimated timeline: 3 months for research + 1 month for every destination
Team: Youhana Nassif (Director), Aya Hossam (Organizer)
Progress so far: Detailed and budgeted Idea, detailed proposal
Concept: A lending library, where we happily share more than 300 books -for now- of our own in multiple languages with anyone who wants to read. Because we experienced personally the transformative power of books, and we believe that sharing whatever resources we have is caring for Mother Earth and showing love towards our fellow human beings. The library
Estimated Budget: 80,000 EGP
Estimated timeline: 1 month for the website, 1 month for preparing an offline space, 1 month marketing
Team: Youhana Nassif, Marianne Sameh
Progress so far: Launched facebook and instagram pages, tried an online prototype for 3 months
Next Steps: Finish website development, acquire offline space, buy more books, begin marketing

The Beetle
Concept: a 5-minute silent short animated movie, done in digital 2D technique targeting kids, teens and family, about a young man and his car which might appear as a piece of junk at first but has many secrets hidden within.
Estimated Budget: 350,000 EGP
Estimated timeline: 16-18 months
Project team: David Berty (writer, director), Youhana Nassif (co-director)
Progress so far: Script written, storyboard drawn and main characters designed.
Remaining Team: Producer, background artists, animators, compositor, sound designer, music composer and editor.
Concept: A startup concerned with public water management that has 2 goals. First is to create a mobile application that provides a map with all the places of coldairs or sabeels in the streets (a public water fountain that is built by the good people of the city/village or the local mosque for the benefit of everyone else), and which users can also input their finds on it to be accessible for everyone to drink from, while also reducing the use of water plastic bottles. Second, is to research, design and build sabeels or coldairs in underdeveloped place and villages to provide safe and clean water accessible to everyone in the community, which could not have clean running water in all of its households.
Team: Youhana Nassif, Mirette Azmy
Progress so far: Idea
Next Steps: Develop mobile application, start testing on small neighbourhoods

Atlas Map Game
Concept: Kind of a treasure hunt with a mix between reality and board games. We take a certain place that's a landmark, a natural place, a monument or even just a neighbourhood (for example Heliopolis or Ibn Tulun mosque) and we make a map of it with parts of the map missing and available separately as a deck of cards. Players then take these cards one by one which each contains a task to be done or a puzzle to solve that relates to the places which the player is exploring through the map game. Taska and riddles can be diverse such as a piece of info that needs to be found out, a pattern in the tiles that needs to be found in the place, a musical piece about the place that needs to be listened to, a viewpoint that needs to be gone to. By the end of the game the player would have explored the place in question by themselves or with a teammate, had fun playing the game and did a lot of artistic things and gained a lot of knowledge.
Estimated Budget: 35,000 EGP for the finished prototype
Estimated timeline: 1 month research, 1 month prototype
Progress so far: Researched 2 places for a prototype, rules laid down.
Concept: A musically-synchronised fictional story written for Rimsky Korsakov’s Scheherazade guided by the names of the movements provided by Rimsky himself, and the main themes, characters and motifs found in the original Arabian Nights books. The story can come out in a form of an audible story, or an animated movie.
Estimated timeline: 1 month for script, 1 month for concept art, 6 months for animation
Progress so far: Written a detailed musically-synchronised plot and scenario.
Next Steps: Write dialogue, record it, draw concept art and start animating.
Remaining Team: Script consultant, concept artist, animators.

Description of Egypt
Concept: A simplified natural encyclopedia in a written, recorded, filmed, or illustrated form, about all the traditional societies and their ways of life, their territories and natural surroundings, their arts and crafts and their animals and plants, which would help document this diversity of life and help raise awareness about it.
Estimated Budget: 50,000 EGP per region
Estimated timeline: 6 months per region
Team: Youhana Nassif, Aya Hossam
Progress so far: Compiled a semi-extensive list of entries on the Red Sea Mountains region.
Next Steps: Recon trips to the other regions, hiring an illustrator, edit and print it in a book form
Concept: An independant monthly non-periodical cultural magazine targeted for Egyptian teens and youth, written in the colloquial Egyptian (Masri). It includes simplified entries, recommendations and articles about characters, music, texts, quotes, places, films and games.
Estimated Budget: 5,000 EGP for every issue
Progress so far: 9 issues will be produced over 2023 with the funding of Africa No Filter

Concept: A hiking equipment and clothes brand that is based on the traditional clothes and equipment of the Bedouin people, designed in a more modern fashion but from the same traditional materials and methods for hikers coming to the region from all over world. This will help these traditional communities and crafts survive, while also promoting Egypt as a major eco-friendly adventure destination.
Estimated Budget: 150,000 EGP
Estimated timeline: 12 months of research till first products produced.
Progress so far: Idea
Remaining Team: Fashion designer, marketing specialist
Next Steps: Prepare a list of products, research their materials and functionality, redesign them, and start production and marketing